Install Arduino

  1. Go to Arduino site
  2. Click the download link on the top navigation bar
  3. Depend on the version of your operation system, click one of the links under “Download” section, and start downloading.
  4. When it’s done, unzip the package to a desired location in your hard drive. Now you have Arduino installed!

 Install Basic Education Shield library

  1. Go to
  2. Click the button “Download ZIP” next to “Clone in desktop”, and download the package
  3. Go to the Arduino folder created previously. In “libraries” create a folder called “BasicEducationShield”.
  4. Open the zip package just created. Unzip everything inside folder “BasicEducationShield-master” to “BasicEducationShield”
  5. Move the folder “CapacitiveSensor” folder to “libraries” one. Now everything is done!